A bit more about me
My journey to becoming a perinatal coach has been non-linear, via an acting career, becoming a mother of two and some detours as a financial PA.
The key lessons I have gained through both my lived and learned experiences, are that nothing is ever wasted, what we resist will persist and that bringing our whole-self is important for our sense of wellbeing. We can harness and use our inner strengths that have helped us overcome our challenges and nurture our growth, from the roots up to our leaves, I call it turning our sh*t into our manure.
My approach is gentle, compassionate and person-centred, walking alongside you as you navigate your unique journey, offering knowledge and tools from my training and importantly being invested in you and your unique skills and gifts as you go on your journey of healing and growth.
Working in a safe, inclusive and trauma-informed way is central to my practice, my work is also supervised and insured.
I am a student member of the BPS (British Psychological Society) and an Associate Member of the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council).
Perinatal Mental Health ALXP for NHS Trust
Extensive Reflective Practice Training
Trustee, Maternal Mental Health Alliance
Level 6 Coaching & Mentoring
NHS Trained Mentor (National Maternity Voices)
Community Lead, Make Birth Better
NHSE&I Maternity Transformation & MVP Chair
Birth Trauma Resolution Therapy
Grief & Bereavement Counselling
Founder Real Birth Project
MSc Psychology (Current), BPS Accredited
MA Acting, Arts Educational School
BA (Hons) History, University of London